【一點隨筆】 Eat Pray Love 後,生活還是要過。

旅。生。說。 於 14/08/2016 發表 收藏文章

不管你喜不喜愛旅行,相信也有看過由真實故事改編成電影的《Eat, Pray, Love》。片中, Julia Roberts 飾演一位在結束婚姻後,放下一切到世界各地找尋心靈平靜和人生哲理的女人,足跡踏遍意大利 (Eat)、印度 (Pray)、峇里島 (Love),最後完成了她個人靈魂探索、自我發現的人生之旅,也再次學會相信愛情。

這個故事的確啟發了許多世界各地的女性,豈料上個月,46歲的 Elizabeth Gilbert 在 Facebook 宣布和63歲丈夫 Jose Nunes 和平分手。

下面是 Elizabeth Gilbert 的原文:

Dear Ones –

Because I have shared details of my private life with you all so intimately over the years, I feel the need to share with you this recent change in my personal life.

I am separating from the man whom many of you know as “Felipe” — the man whom I fell in love with at the end of the EAT PRAY LOVE journey. He has been my dear companion for over 12 years, and they have been wonderful years. Our split is very amicable. Our reasons are very personal.

At this time of transition, I hope you will respect our privacy. In my heart, I know that you will do so, because I trust that you understand how this is a story that I am living — not a story that I am telling.

I thank you for your love, and for your kindness, and for your continued blessings. Hold us in your thoughts. And I hope you will understand and forgive me if I am a bit absent from social media during this sensitive moment.

Lastly, I wanted to share this poem, written by the poet-of-my-heart Jack Gilbert. This poem has been helping to carry me through this experience. Perhaps it will help some of you, also:


Blessings, and all my love,



其實為什麼呢?能夠放下別人的期望而做出決定,其實也是她在旅行中獲得勇氣的一種啊。之所以有 Eat Pray Love 一書存在,不也是因為她果斷走出前一段關係嗎?

我向來認為,旅行中的自己會不自覺把經歷浪漫化、理想化,卻不記得重點是,如何在旅行後學習用正確的態度面對自己的生活。很喜歡一本叫 《給回來的旅行者》的書,書的封頁有一段文字,讓當時的我一瞬間紅了眼:





Eat Pray Love 是書、是電影,但也僅僅是 Elizabeth Gilbert 生命的一個段落。真實人生沒有電影來得浪漫,總不能要求永遠停留在 Happily Ever After 。而且誰又能說這樣的發展不會帶給她另一段更美好的人生呢?畢竟幸福如人飲水,冷暖自知嘛。

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