首先,我會覺得如果部機係咁利害,醫療機構或衛生署應該會全部採用,什麼標把藥根本就冇用武之地! 上網睇左好多資料,冇一個醫療機構正用還原水機去醫治癌症病患。但係,是否代表還原水冇效呢? 大家不妨了解下還原水原理
注: (我不是醫生,以下是小弟睇完消化後的資訊)
支持的聲音引用美國抗癌協會主席寫的一本書叫<<Killing Cancer, Not People>>反駁,
"...And what did my Great Hekawi Grandmother say about the proof being in the pudding? So, I had to put it to the test. Water has a half-life of 5-10 minutes in the stomach depending on how much you drink, how fast, and how cold it is. This means that the water (needing no digestion) has a 50% chance of having left the stomach completely within that period of time. Believe me, for good quality ionized water this is true and, like Elvis, it has left the building (stomach) within that time frame. It works for me and with all users with whom I have spoken. From experience you know that if you guzzle 12-16 ounces of any liquid you can feel it “sloshing” around down there for quite some time. On the other hand – and because of its low microclustering character – you can literally jump on a trampoline 5 minutes after consuming an equal amount of ionized water and feel no discomfort. And that’s because it has already been transported out of the stomach and is working its way into the cells. And I’ve heard that exact story from many who have tried it. There’s the empirical or “life” (not clinical) evidence."
但要留意的是,作者自己不是一個醫生,於是我就追查點解會寫本咁樣的書,以下係佢的聲明,佢自己講到佢唔係執業醫生,冇幫人診斷的資格,甚至沒有美國FDA 認可。佢提出的全部由佢自己照料左12年病人的資料作結論。
但係,係咪咁代表冇公信力,沒有參考的價值呢? 小弟幸運的沒有身邊人患上癌症,所以我冇結果可以俾大家參考,我會諗呢個情況有D似民間偏方的感覺,即係冇得到認證,有機會有效也有機會冇效。我問過我買機的分銷商,佢都冇俾到一個答案,亦有一D分銷商話視癌症去到第幾期。
首先,我會覺得如果部機係咁利害,醫療機構或衛生署應該會全部採用,什麼標把藥根本就冇用武之地! 上網睇左好多資料,冇一個醫療機構正用還原水機去醫治癌症病患。但係,是否代表還原水冇效呢? 大家不妨了解下還原水原理
注: (我不是醫生,以下是小弟睇完消化後的資訊)
支持的聲音引用美國抗癌協會主席寫的一本書叫<<Killing Cancer, Not People>>反駁,
"...And what did my Great Hekawi Grandmother say about the proof being in the pudding? So, I had to put it to the test. Water has a half-life of 5-10 minutes in the stomach depending on how much you drink, how fast, and how cold it is. This means that the water (needing no digestion) has a 50% chance of having left the stomach completely within that period of time. Believe me, for good quality ionized water this is true and, like Elvis, it has left the building (stomach) within that time frame. It works for me and with all users with whom I have spoken. From experience you know that if you guzzle 12-16 ounces of any liquid you can feel it “sloshing” around down there for quite some time. On the other hand – and because of its low microclustering character – you can literally jump on a trampoline 5 minutes after consuming an equal amount of ionized water and feel no discomfort. And that’s because it has already been transported out of the stomach and is working its way into the cells. And I’ve heard that exact story from many who have tried it. There’s the empirical or “life” (not clinical) evidence."
但要留意的是,作者自己不是一個醫生,於是我就追查點解會寫本咁樣的書,以下係佢的聲明,佢自己講到佢唔係執業醫生,冇幫人診斷的資格,甚至沒有美國FDA 認可。佢提出的全部由佢自己照料左12年病人的資料作結論。
但係,係咪咁代表冇公信力,沒有參考的價值呢? 小弟幸運的沒有身邊人患上癌症,所以我冇結果可以俾大家參考,我會諗呢個情況有D似民間偏方的感覺,即係冇得到認證,有機會有效也有機會冇效。我問過我買機的分銷商,佢都冇俾到一個答案,亦有一D分銷商話視癌症去到第幾期。
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