真偽教徒傍地走 - 夕筆語










筆者只舉一個例子反駁,2012年有人發現有一份以古埃及科普特文抄寫的文獻記載耶穌是有一名妻子叫Mary Magdalene,其後被教徒痛斥胡說八道;及後,那份文獻被證實是錄於公元四世紀,被教授、紙莎草專家和早期基督教文本專家相信為抄自寫於二世紀下半期的一部福音書。然而亦不出所料,教徒隨即反駁這可能是古時的假見證,不能證明是真實的。

那個悖論問題又來了,不能證明是真,又何能確信是假?被主流認可的聖經正典也是寫於兩千多年前,教徒又何以確信那就是神的話語,而非當時後人作假見證?而「人類的一千年等於上帝一日」的說法,人類能否確定那是一個比喻?還是真有此事?這全都是人類自行判斷、詮釋,究竟聖經是「神」的原話本?還是人類的主觀翻譯本?究竟是提出質疑的人自我膨脹(Ego Boost)?抑或是極力辯護的人自充上帝?


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  • Hin9081 於 22/08/2014 評論 NO. 1

    彼得后书 3:8
    Although it does not say one day of God = 1000 years in humans, I see where Jehovah witnesses would get this idea from the Bible. From what I understand, it is more like a parable to communicate the idea that God is forgiving and would rather wait for more people to repent than to condemn them (v. 9).
    I am a protestant Christian myself, I believe the main purpose of the biblical gospels is to communicate the salvation of mankind; where Jesus died on the Cross for our sins and provide us with the only way to reunite with God. And as a Protestant Christian, I do believe that the Bible is inspired by God and that He could communicate with us through the Holy Spirit (I know the concept of Trinity is not mentioned in the Bible, but there are good evidences within the Bible to support this theological claim).
    Regarding the reliability of the Bible, the canonization process of the entire Bible took place over a long period time (hundreds of years), it is result of the consistent agreement within a long history of Christian community. Even though the original copy of the Bible is long lost, the copy accuracy is extremely high (99.5%). So there is a good reason to believe that our Bible today is almost identical to the original copy.
    There are numerous accounts about the stories of Jesus (as one would expect from someone so historically significant), however, not all the "gospels" are equally accurate historically. Imagine the differing reliability of various online sources, obviously a peer reviewed research article would gain more recognition than a random claim on a blog. When we look at the New Testament we realize that it was written by those who either knew Jesus personally, or were under the direction of those who did. They wrote what they saw. They wrote about the resurrection of Christ. They recorded His miracles and His sayings. It comes down to whether or not you believe what it says about Christ. So there is a reason the mainstream Christian community refuse to acknowledge the validity of certain "gospels" out there.
    It is also important to note that I totally respect your agnostic/ atheistic position, this response is 100% my genuine opinion. I do not mean any disrespect and I am not writing this to convert you or humiliate you by any means.
    Last of all, I want to stress that the centre of Christianity is built on the basis of the existence of an almighty and loving God. I want you to know that this same God loves you more than anyone on this earth. I personally consider Christianity more like a relationship than a religion.
    Thank you for sharing this inspiring article and your experience!
