艷遇怎麼解???? 是指邂逅之類的
不是已發生的ONE NIGHT STAY(這個太不正經了)
有沒有比較貼近中文''艷遇'' 之類的辭或字呢? 或許可以說 hit on/chat up吧...看豔遇程度到底是怎樣
He got hit on several times last night in the pub.
He got chatted up by a hot girl last night in the pub.
一夜情應該是用one night stand (ONS)
美國人一般講hit on
e.g. He is hitting on me.
英國人一般講come to his way
e.g. Why do they come to your way?
另外~有人說 flert, 但比較精確的解釋應該是調情的意思
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