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有一段時間無黎過呢間OUR WONDERLAND, 之前因為朋友介紹既關係試左一次,對呢間CAFE 印象唔差, 今次有機會當然再黎食多一次,將最好既介紹俾大家。
This is the second time to visit "Our Wonderland". It was in high quality on both food and services. Hope we can bring the best to all have you.
Butter has been added to the surface of the bread coated with vanilla
It tastes quite good without olive oil
Corn and creamy soup with ample texture
竟是用PEPPER 同鹽來調味 MENU上是寫柚子汁的哦....
生菜下了不少, 清爽卻有點苦味
The Salad tasted a bit strange because of the addition of pepper and salt
Shrimp tasted so fresh and with a few pieces of apple.
Color of the salad make us feel more hungry
只有半人份嗎, 太小一碟了吧!
飯中還加了蘑菇片, 味道還勉強合格
可能是多了人光顧, 水準比起以前差很多,
Smoked Salmon Risotto in Cream Sauce
Traditional french dishes, too small for HongKongers! especially for me ;P
Seems our wonderland could not keep the quality
水牛芝士薄餅 係Our wonderland 既招牌菜之一
果然有水準 芝士香而不膩
Buffalo mozzarella pizza is one of the favorite dishes in Our Wonderland
It tastes very good and the taste of cheese can keep a long time in your month
地址: 尖沙咀金馬倫道5號太興廣場5樓
Address: 5/f, Tern plaza, 5 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Yau Tsim Mong ; YTM ; cafe ; coffee ; tea ; food and beverage
有一段時間無黎過呢間OUR WONDERLAND, 之前因為朋友介紹既關係試左一次,對呢間CAFE 印象唔差, 今次有機會當然再黎食多一次,將最好既介紹俾大家。
This is the second time to visit "Our Wonderland". It was in high quality on both food and services. Hope we can bring the best to all have you.
Butter has been added to the surface of the bread coated with vanilla
It tastes quite good without olive oil
Corn and creamy soup with ample texture
竟是用PEPPER 同鹽來調味 MENU上是寫柚子汁的哦....
生菜下了不少, 清爽卻有點苦味
The Salad tasted a bit strange because of the addition of pepper and salt
Shrimp tasted so fresh and with a few pieces of apple.
Color of the salad make us feel more hungry
只有半人份嗎, 太小一碟了吧!
飯中還加了蘑菇片, 味道還勉強合格
可能是多了人光顧, 水準比起以前差很多,
Smoked Salmon Risotto in Cream Sauce
Traditional french dishes, too small for HongKongers! especially for me ;P
Seems our wonderland could not keep the quality
水牛芝士薄餅 係Our wonderland 既招牌菜之一
果然有水準 芝士香而不膩
Buffalo mozzarella pizza is one of the favorite dishes in Our Wonderland
It tastes very good and the taste of cheese can keep a long time in your month
地址: 尖沙咀金馬倫道5號太興廣場5樓
Address: 5/f, Tern plaza, 5 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Yau Tsim Mong ; YTM ; cafe ; coffee ; tea ; food and beverage
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