對話體驗一向致力與「多元人才」攜手共創社會效益。透過黑暗及無聲平台,提供具影響力的「創效於樂體驗」 (Impactainment),學習和培訓工作坊,帶來不同層面的轉化歷程。於社會大眾、商界、旅遊業和教育界,促進社會共融、多元化、平等各層面的新思維。對話體驗是本港出色的社企之一,黑暗中對話體驗館更是遊客必到的景點,對話體驗的「體驗建築師」和「多元人才」將繼續努力推動社會創新。
Dialogue Experience dedicates to engage people of differences to create social impact! By providing innovative Impactaintment (Entertainment with impact) and transformation training experiences through DARK and SILENCE platforms, it brings new perspective of social inclusion, diversity and equality to general public, corporate, tourism and education sectors of the community.
As a leading social enterprise brand and a must-see experiential experience in Hong Kong, Dialogue Experience continues to harness social innovation with Experience Architects and differently-abled People of Differences.
對話體驗 - 一個新維度的旅程
Dialogue Experience - Journey into a new Dimension
電話號碼: +85223100833
電郵地址: exhibi...