
通之廚房 於 08/01/2021 發表 收藏文章
材料 Ingredients 

400g 免治豬肉400克 (minced pork)
2 tbsp 蔥粒 (diced green onion)
2 tbsp 芫茜粒 (diced coriander)
2 tbsp 洋蔥半粒 (diced onion)
2 tbsp 甜菜甫粒 (diced sweet preserved radish) 
6 大蛋 6隻, 發勻 (large eggs, blended)
1 tsp 魚露,非必要 (fish sauce, optional)
醃料 Seasoning 
0.5 tsp 海鹽 (sea salt)
1 tsp 糖 (1 tsp of sugar)
1 tsp 蒜粉  (1 tsp of garlic powder)

做法 Steps
1 先將豬肉用醃料醃15分鐘, 快火落油(約1茶匙)起鑊, 再將豬肉炒熟, 盛起隔油備用
2 將鑊洗好抹乾, 快火落油約1茶匙起鑊, 先落洋蔥和1/4茶匙鹽炒至軟身, 再加入菜甫粒炒香(若2分鐘) , 再加入蔥粒,芫茜和豬肉勻炒約1分鐘, 盛起備用
3 轉中細火, 落油約1茶匙起鑊,蛋漿加入魚露攪勻,倒入蛋漿, 輕手攪勻後, 加入煮好材料,蓋好鑊蓋,讓它慢慢煎香一面至金鑊, 另一面即半生熟, 倒扣上碟即成 

1 First marinate the pork with seasoning for 15 minutes.  Heat the pan with 1 tsp of oil over high heat.  Stir fry the pork until it is cooked, set aside.
2 Wash the pan and dry it well.  Heat the pan with 1 tsp of oil over high heat.  Add the onion and 1/4 teaspoon of salt.  Stir fry until onion is soft.  Then add in preserved radish and pan fry it  until fragrant (if 2 minutes).  Add in the  green onion, coriander and pork.  Stir fry  for about 1 minute.  Dish it up and set aside.
3 Turn to medium low heat.  Add in 1 tsp of oil .  Mix the fish sauce with blended egg.  Pour the egg mixture into the pan.  Sir the egg mixture gently.  Add in the cooked ingredients.  Cover the wok lid,.  let it pan fry slowly until golden brown on one side.  Dish it up and serve.


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