
通之廚房 於 07/09/2020 發表 收藏文章
蔥油香煎雞翼 ,一個簡單家庭小菜,今次同你分享下,點樣可以煮秘製蔥油,容易但味道香濃,雞翼半煎半焗夠晒嫩滑,今次是新形式短片,以簡單明快為主,希望大家喜歡

Video: https://youtu.be/L_DWn6MybxE

16 雞中翼
100 g 蔥粒
2 tsp 粟粉 [fig1]
25 ml 熱水

2 tsp 魚露 [fig2]
1 tsp 砂糖
1 tsp 雞粉(非別要) [fig3]
1 tsp 蒜粉 [fig4]
1/2 tsp 黑椒粉
1/2 tsp 黃薑粉(非別要) [fig5]

1/2 tsp 雞粉(非別要) [fig3]
1/2 tsp 鹽

Video: https://youtu.be/L_DWn6MybxE
1 雞翼用醃料醃1小時或隔天
2 雞翼撲上粟粉,中火煎至兩面金黃
3 加入熱水,蓋上鑊蓋,轉細火炆5分鐘,上碟備用
4 鑊再用中火燒熱,加入蔥粒炒香,熄火加蔥油調味
5 雞翼鋪上蔥油即成

Ingredients for 4
16 chicken wingettes
100 g diced green onion
2 tsp cornstarch [fig1]
25 ml hot water

2 tsp fish sauce [fig2]
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp chicken powder (optional) [fig3]
1 tsp garlic powder [fig4]
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 turmeric (optional) [fig5]

Seasoning for green onion mixture
1/2 tsp chicken powder (optional) [fig3]
1/2 tsp salt

Steps [Please watch the video for detail]
Video: https://youtu.be/L_DWn6MybxE
1 Marinade the chicken wings with seasoning for 1 hour or over night.
2 Coat evenly the chicken wings with cornstarch. Pan fry them over medium heat until both sides are golden
3 Add hot water. Cover the lid. Turn the heat to low. Simmer for 5 mins. Dish it up.
4 Heat the pan with medium heat again. Add in green onion and stir fry until soft. Turn off the heat and add the seasoning for green onion mixture
5 Top the green onion mixture on the chicken wings. Serve it hot


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